Our firm always selects from the best experts of the given field of law. All of our lawyers have years of experience practising law in Hungary as well as abroad. They never stop learning, in order to be able to provide up-to-date advice in Hungary’s fast-changing legal environment, and also to have an overview of connecting fields of law and the synergies between them.


Dr. András Moldován

Senior Partner

Over the past 25 years, he has remained actively dealing with all aspects of business law, with a particular expertise in the field of pharmaceuticals and healthcare.


Dr. Géza Mátó


His main area of practice is representing clients in civil lawsuits, particularly in the business sector, as well as the assistance in the execution of transactions related to real estate as well as real estate development projects.


Dr. Judit Moldován

Managing associate

Her field of expertise is corporate law, real estate law and intellectual property law with a focus on software and IT developments.


Dr. Miklós Moldován


His general practice area is on commercial matters, including undertaking transactions and drafting agreements related to fast moving consumer products and other goods, also he is actively involved in M&A matters.


Dr. Alexandr Nyizsnyovszki


Due to his native Russian language skills, he is able to provide complex Hungarian law advice to Russian speaking clients in civil litigation and enforcing claims in various court and arbitration proceedings.


Dr. Dóra Dávid-Somogyi


Her primary area of experience is the protection of intellectual property rights and advising in related matters, commercial and real estate law, and drafting various civil and commercial legal agreements for our corporate clients.


Dr. Péter Halmos

Attorney, Data Protection and Data Security Lawyer

He specializes in data privacy law, furthermore, he also deals with real estate advisory, labor law, advertising law and with corporate and commercial law issues.


Dr. Orsolya Seregi


Her main practice areas are commercial contracts, advising clients in connection with the operations of business associations, employment law, and full-scope facilitation of real estate transactions.

Of Counsel


Dr. Balázs Móritz


He provides of counsel assistance to our firm in matters involving criminal law aspects. His experience includes, but is not limited to the classic defense attorney tasks, but Balázs also regularly represents aggrieved parties in criminal procedures.


Dr. Attila Szabady


Attila assists our firm as an independent consultant in his primary focus of property law, contract law, inheritance law, family law and marital property law, with a particular emphasis on representation of our clients before courts and other arbitrary boards.


Steven Conybeare


Steven Conybeare is a hands-on business lawyer, specialising in all aspects of Oil & Gas contracts as well as Mergers & Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, Commercial contracts, Information Technology and Private Equity/Venture Capital in the UK and across the CEE and SEE regions

Legal assistants


Emese Tóth

Legal assistant


Katalin Mokos

Legal assistant

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