The obligation of the “Business-gate registration”

Dear Partner, We would like to take the opportunity and draw your attention to the obligation of the “Business-gate registration” affecting Hungarian business organizations. As of the 1 January 2018 Hungarian business organizations shall via their Business-gate (in Hungarian: “Cégkapu”), similar to the existing Public Client Portal (in Hungarian: “Ügyfélkapu”), communicate electronically with the authorities, […]Continue reading

Capital requirements of limited liability companies as of 15 March 2016

Dear Partner, We would like to take the opportunity and draw your attention to the proximity of the deadlines set for the capital top-up of Hungarian limited liability companies (korlátolt felelősségű társaság in Hungarian). On 15 March 2014 a new Civil Code, Act V of 2013 (Civil Code) entered into force, that brought several new […]Continue reading

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